The Matica S5000 Series Systems are designed for mid-volume use (several thousand cards per run) where data is input through a PC computer controller. The S5000 Series input hopper allows for cards to be automatically fed into the system. Depending on which system the S5000E, S5000G, S5000L or the S5000C you choose, the unit can be configured to perform some of these functions. Color tipping of the embossed characters, encoding of the magnetic stripe, thermal printing of text, barcodes and logos, Smart Card encoding and Laser engraving are available on the Matica S5000 Series Systems. These would be automatically done during the card's movement through the system so that a complete card would be produced during one cycle of the system. S5000 Features Print Speed: Up To 400 - 2400 cph Print Options: Text, Barcodes, Logos, Photos & Laser Options to Configure Your System: Magnetic Stripe Encoding - HiCo/LoCo 3 Track Monochrome & Color Printing Module - 300dpi Flip-over Station Contact Chip Encoding Contactless Chip Encoding Integrated Cleaning System Embossing Front or Rear Indent Color Topping Floor Cabinet w/Lockable Doors Maticard Pro Software